林恩基金会资助 & 路易·沃尔夫森二世家族基金会
AG亚游集团官方网站 公民的播客 格兰特是为了 提高学生的公民意识 订婚 通过播客. AG亚游集团官方网站赠款将为教师提供必要的资金,为学生购买制作播客的设备和与同龄人分享的平台, 他们的社区, 这个世界!
Student podcasts can cover a variety of pertinent topics such as vaping, 枪支法, 社交媒体, 欺凌, 还有环境问题——但最终学生们会选择他们最关心的相关问题. Teachers who receive Podcast Grants help students research topics, 确定采访对象, 帮助学生获得面试机会, 写面试问题, and use critical thinking skills to analyze multiple points of view.
Funds can be used to purchase podcast recording kits (less than $300), 以及视频创作, editing and script dictation software packages. Grant recipients are required to submit their student podcast topics to the Education Fund, and all student podcasts must include interviews. You are encouraged to attend the Idea Expo Workshop on October 19, 2024 that will provide training on technical details, 面试技巧等等.
*Exceptions may be made to teachers of lower grades. Please contact the Ideas with Impact 项目负责人 before applying.
Recommendations for Student 播客 (required for 播客 Grant recipients)
- Allow students to select the topic(s) of their podcast. They may choose to focus on one topic for the whole year, or select multiple topics. Allowing students to select topics gives them agency and increases interest and 订婚.
- 播客 helps students learn to establish and defend their point of view on their topic(s), and learn to advocate for the changes they would like to see.
- Conducting interviews provides students with strong skills in research, 新闻, 辩论, 批判性思维. 进行面试需要学生提出后续问题,并能够快速处理信息.
- For young learners, podcasting helps develop language and communication skills